Sunday, December 14, 2008

One Size

We have all seen this "claim" one size fits all, on various articles of clothing, hats, socks, shirts, gloves, etc. But does one size really fit all?
So as I was touring the aisles of Target tonight looking at all of the one size fits all stuff, I began to have some deep thoughts on the subject. I started thinking about all of my friends. Most of my friends there is no way I could wear their one size fits all , and no way they could wear my one size fits all. So how do designers get away with making this claim? So still deep in thought, I went to pick up my pictures at the photo lab. (Side note: This was the 4 time I tried to pick up my pictures and Christmas cards a.k.a. photogate). So I get to the counter and my pics are finally ready and the young lady behind the counter checks me out. She says "so sorry about you wait." I heard, "so sorry about your weight." And I am staring there looking at her and thinking you're no skinny prize either. And I said, "I have never had anyone say that to me before," she looked confused and I was disturbed, then I realized what she meant. Duh she was sorry I had to wait for my pictures. When we both realized what the other was saying we both died laughing. One size doesn't fit all!

1 comment:

maribeth said...

oh my gosh, that is hysterical!!

and the one size fits all claim is ridiculous!