Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

So today I was thinking about all of the great books, magazines, and tv shows, that are suppose to help us be great parents. From SuperNanny, Dr. Dobson, Dr. Spock, and Kermit the Frog, can these people and one puppet really help us raise our children? The answer is I don't know. Being a new mom, I have had the great pleasure of being in many different groups, and read many good books on the subject of parenting. Why might you ask am I talking about this....... well my little Emma is at that age where potty training is starting, 2 year old tantrums have been happening, and when you can scale your crib it is time for a big girl bed, and you just need a place where you can find some good advice. So we are living out what SuperNanny and James Dobson are talking about. So I have decided that none of them really have the answer, but you can take bits and pieces from each and find something that works for you. A perfect example of this is Emma's new big girl bed. The first night that we tried out the new big girl bed, I tried the Super Nanny approach. When she got out of her bed, I escorted her back and told her I loved her. The second time I said mommy loves you, and the third time I said nothing and returned her to her bed. Well on the 100th time, I returned her to her bed without speaking, and it kinda turned into a game of Marco Polo. I would hide somewhere and wait and just as sure as the sun rises she was out of that bed calling for me. So finally on the 101st time I said forget SuperNanny, popped her bottom and said "don't get out of this bed again!" So there ya have it alittle bit of SuperNanny and Dr. Dobson. Anyway this is the second night she has slept in her "Big girl bed." The pics are so cute. I am still not sure which method of parenting is best, maybe I will wait and see what Miss Piggy has to say about it.

1 comment:

Southern Mama said...

John Russel and Mae both climbed out of their cribs at 15 months. John Russel was utter HELL. Mae was fine. They both sleep in their own beds and always have. My advise...stick to your guns unless you dig the whole family bed thing. Will, on the other hand, hasn't tried this trick yet. I pray he doesn't. He'll stay in his crib until his five if I have anything to say about it!