I know, I know, what you are thinking, but I really did have a religious experience. There is this game called the apple picker. There is a wall of apples and a little basket. You try and move the basket back and forth to catch the apples. So I dropped in my token and decided to play. The apples started to drop and I would move my little basket and try to catch these apples. Sometimes I would miss, but the ball would bounce and I would get so fixated on the missed ball, I would miss the other balls dropping. With a pitiful first score, I decided to play again. It wasn't until about the fourth time that I realized that before the apple would drop a light would flash behind the apple. Once I figured that out, the game was easy. I just needed to focus on the red light and I would win every time. Hmmm........Then it hit me like an apple from a tree, my religious moment (insert trumpets sound).
I realized my relationship with God was like this apple game. When you focus on the past, missed opportunities, and regrets, you are unable to see all of the blessings that surround you in the present. It all depends on how you look at things. Like this game, if you focus on the light (God) you will always win.
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